Established July 21st, 2005
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This Bi-Polar support group is intended for those with an IQ at or above 132 SD 15. You may join this group by merely proving that you have achieved this score in one of several ways.

BPIQ Membership Form

Email Address*
Only valid email submissions will be taken into
Date of Birth*
Test Taken
Test Score
Leave blank if requesting to join as a member from
another society. Enter name of test & score if not
listed above.
Upload a File
Please provide a sample of your recorded score.
Current Society
You may choose to leave this blank if you are
requesting to join by Supervised or Online Test.
About Your Condition*
Please list your conditions. If you are in the
field of study, put "Study". If you are joining to
support a friend and ask questions, please put
"Friend". This information is not shared and
serves only as criteria to join.
  I have read the Qualifications page and also understand that my membership is a privilege and may be terminated if abused.
Image Verification
Please enter the text from the image:
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